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goto homepage (ecotopia dance productions: press clippings Hessisches Staatsballett - Horizonte)



It's a celebration of the body.
Darmstädter Echo

Whitley weaves rounded shapes together, lets the choreography calmly reach out and flow.
Frankfurter Rundschau zu The Butterfly Effect

The ensemble of the Hessische Staatsballett is convincing across the board.

Powerful and energetic
hr2-Kultur, Am Morgen

The choreography works almost like a highly complex clockwork, in which the interplay of different cogs is always amazing.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung zu Untitled Black

The Hessische Staatsballett in Darmstadt inspires with works by Sharon Eyal and Alexander Whitley.
Darmstädter Echo

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