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The way in which the piece explores the relationship between body and soul, between human and animal life,
is communicated so directly that the evening becomes a beguilingly sensual experience.
Big applause!
Bernhard Hartmann, General-Anzeiger Bonn, 21.12.2023

Nobody in the audience was able to escape the ongoing dynamic in MORE THAN.
It gripped everyone.
A very demanding, extremely rewarding evening.
Simone Hamm, Feuilleton Frankfurt 28.12.2023

There’s something incredibly sensual about Shahar Binyamini’s latest piece of choreography More Than.
It reminds us that we feel as much with our bodies and our senses, as we reason with our intellect.
Whatever interpretation you take, More Than will definitely make you think about the importance
of touch and sensual contact in a digital world where we can sometimes become isolated and numbed to our senses.
Sarita Rao, Luxembourg Times Dec 17,2023

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